Toulouse, 02 April 2012
ORPALIS announces the release of a new medium upgrade of PaperScan : version 1.5.0.
This version includes new features alongside with new options meant to provide users with more ergonomic and comfortable utilization
Changes in v. 1.5 includes: battery of minor bug fixes, memory leak on PDF import bug fix, added an option to configure PDF import resolution, changed the resolution choices to deliver standard resolutions with some devices, added contextual menu for main Viewer to quickly remove or save the currently displayed image, added drag&drop action support for importing document files from Windows Explorer to Paperscan thumbnail panel, added option to automatically add the current date/time in saved multipage filename at various positions and chosing from an extensive list of predefined date/time patterns.
While most scanning applications are dedicated to one scanner or one scanning protocol, PaperScan allows its users to control any scanner, including network scanners (TWAIN or WIA protocols), cameras or acquisition cards. All features are automatically negotiated and handled by PaperScan.
PaperScan's set of features are tuned according to its 3 available Editions : complex (Pro Edition), medium (Home Edition) and light (Free Edition).
PaperScan is powered by GdPicture toolkit, the flagship product of ORPALIS.
More about PaperScan : http://www.orpalis.com/products/paperscan/
ORPALIS is creator, developer and owner of the comprehensive document imaging toolkit series released under the brand "GdPicture", which is now a worldwide known and respected leader in imaging technologies. More than 12,000 developers, based in over 70 countries, include GdPicture components in their applications.
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