PaperScan Version 3
Version 3.0.130 (July 7th 2021)
- Improved OCR engine.
- Improved PDF/A converter engines.
- A battery of minor bug fixes.
Version 3.0.129 (June 3rd 2021)
- Added HEIF/HEIC & EML/MSG & HTML as input formats.
- PaperScan can now be set as the default application to read files.
- Improved TWAIN scanning support.
- Improved OCR engine.
- Improved PDF/A converter engine.
- Improved Office formats rendering engine.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
- Fix the translation in Turkish language.
Version 3.0.128 (April 7th 2021)
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
- Better OCR engine.
Version 3.0.126 (March 1st 2021)
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
- Improved blank pages detection engine.
- Improved OCR engine.
Version 3.0.125 (February 17th 2021)
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
- Global performance improvements.
- Improved compression speed.
Version 3.0.119 (November 1st 2020)
- Global performance improvements.
- Better OCR engine.
- Added support for doc, xls and ppt formats.
- Improved compatibility with some old devices.
- Added option to open the device configuration dialog from the settings panel.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version 3.0.118 (October 1st 2020)
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version 3.0.117 (September 24th 2020)
- Improved user interface.
- Improved speed.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version 3.0.114 (August 3rd 2020)
- Improved OCR engine
- Improved automatic page rotation
- Improved MRC engine
- Battery of minor bug fixes
Version 3.0.113 (June 18th 2020)
- Improved OCR engine.
- Dramatically improved the MRC engine.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version 3.0.109 (May 12th 2020)
- Speed improvement of the document import feature
- Thumbnails are displayed in real-time during the scanning process
- Allow to rotate by 1/10 angle
- Minor bug fixes
Version 3.0.105 (May 6th 2020)
- Battery of minor bug fixes
Version 3.0.104 (May 5th 2020)
- Dramatically improved the MRC engine.
Version 3.0.102 (April 12th 2020)
- New Digital Signature functionality
- Battery of minor bug fixes
Version 3.0.101 (March 25th 2020)
- New Outlook Mail functionality
- Improved automatic page orientation detection
- Battery of minor bug fixes
Version 3.0.1 (March 19th 2020)
- Improved OCR
- Improved automatic page orientation detection
- Battery of minor bug fixes
- Annotation toolbar improvements
- Tooltip improvements
Version (February 16th 2020)
- Battery of minor bug fixes
Version (February 11th 2020)
- Global performance improvements.
- Improved transfer rate with high speed scanning devices.
- Improved MRC engine.
- Improved OCR engine.
- Battery of min bug fixes
Version (December 15th 2019)
- Improved OCR engine.
- Several minor enhancements.
Version (November 28th 2019)
- Improved OCR engine accuracy and speed.
- Improved MRC engine.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (October 24th 2019)
- Fixed compatibility issues with some buggy TWAIN drivers.
- Improvd OCR engine
- Improved MRC compression rate and quality.
Version (September 29th 2019)
- Improved OCR engine.
- Improved hyper-compression (MRC) engine.
- Improved user interface.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (August 27th 2019)
- General application performance improvements.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (July 15th 2019)
- Improved MRC engine accuracy and speed.
- Improved OCR engine accuracy and speed.
- Improved global performances.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (June 22nd 2019)
- Improved MRC engine accuracy and speed.
- Improved global performances.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (June 05th 2019)
- Improved global performances.
- Dramatically improved the MRC engine.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (April 24th 2019)
- Improved global performances.
- Dramatically improved the MRC engine.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (March 30th 2019)
- Improved MRC engine.
- Improved generated PDF compression.
- Batterty of minor bug fixes.
Version (March 23rd 2019)
- Improved OCR engine.
- Improved MRC engine.
- Improved user interface speed.
- Improved support with large images.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (March 05th 2019)
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
- Improved MRC engine.
Version (February 17th 2019)
- Dramatically improved the built-in MRC engine.
- Improved rendering & processing speed.
- Improved PDF generation.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (January 07th 2019)
- Improved compression rate of produced documents.
- Improved the MRC engine.
- General UI improvements.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (December 17th 2018)
- Dramatically improved MRC engine.
- Improved compression rate of produced documents.
- Added support for DOCX document creation.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (November 21st 2018)
- Improved MRC engine.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (November 18th 2018)
- Improved UI speed.
- Improved MRC compression.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (November 11th 2018)
- Improved MRC compression.
- Added support for very large PDF creation (more than 2GB).
- Improved OCR accuracy and speed.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (October 28th 2018)
- Improved dramatically the MRC engine.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
- Improved OCR engine.
- Improved global performances.
Version (October 04th 2018)
- Dramatically improved the PDF/MRC generator.
- Added options to select paper size.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (September 11th 2018)
- Improved MRC compression.
- A battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (July 25th 2018)
- Improved user interface navigation with the keyboard.
- Improved MRC engine.
- Improved color detection engine.
- Improved OCR accuracy.
- Improved document imaging filters.
- Improved stability with large images.
- A battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (May 29th 2018)
- Improved black borders removal filter
- A battery of minor bug fixes
Version (May 29th 2018)
- Improved black borders removal filter.
- Improved punch holes removal filter.
- Improved blank pages detection engine.
- Improved OCR engine.
- Improved MRC engine.
- A battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (May 22nd 2018)
- Dramatically improved black borders removal filter.
- Improved punch holes removal filter.
- Improved blank pages detection engine.
- Improved PDF import quality.
- Improved OCR quality.
- Improved MRC engine to produce smaller files size.
- Added option to favor accuracy vs speed for the PDF/OCR engine.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (April 27th 2018)
- Improved punch holes removal filter speed.
- Support for new PDF scheme creation: Added new PDF conformance levels and versions as output format : PDF/A-1a, PDF/A-1b, PDF/A-2a, PDF/A-2b, PDF/A-2u, PDF/A-3a, PDF/A-3b, PDF/A-3u.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (April 19th 2018)
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
- Dramatically improved the punch holes removal filter.
Version (April 12th 2018)
- A battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (March 29th 2018)
- Processing can now be applied to every selected page
- Annotation presets can now be added to several pages at once
- The improved color detection engine
- A battery of minor bug fixes
Version (March 16th 2018)
- General performance improvements.
- A battery of minor bug fixes.*
Version (March 1st 2018)
- Improved blank page detection engine.
- Improved PDF import engine.
- A battery of speed improvements.
- A battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (January 23rd 2018)
- Various improvements in UI and filters.
- A battery of minor bug fixes.
- PaperScan is now available in 30 languages.
Version (January 9th 2018)
- Improved black borders detection accuracy.
- Improved automatic page orientation detection.
- Improved blank pages detection engine.
- Improved auto-deskew engine.
- Improved document saving with page separation.
- Improved UI on an operating system using display scale.
- Improved PDF import engine.
- Improved OCR engine speed and accuracy.
- A battery of updates to improve global performance (speed and memory usage).
Version (December 14th 2017)
- Improved black borders detection accuracy.
- Improved OCR engine.
- Improved PDF import support.
- Improved blank pages detection engine.
Version (November 22nd 2017)
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
- Improved overall speed.
- Improved the blank page detection engine.
- Improved the auto-deskew filter.
- Improved the margins detection engine.
Version (October 27th 2017)
- Improved compatibility with TWAIN drivers of modern Canon devices.
- Improved Auto deskew algorithm.
- Added support for black margins removal from color and grayscale images.
- Improved the PDF rasterizer engine.
- A battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (October 18th 2017)
- Improved auto-deskew filter.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (October 3rd 2017)
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
- Improved document imaging filters.
- Improved PDF generation speed.
- Improved OCR accuracy.
- Improved support for devices using memory transfer mode.
Version (July 28th 2017)
- Improved auto deskew filter.
- Improved blank page detection filter.
- Improved automatic color detection accuracy.
- Improved OCR speed.
- Improved UI speed.
- The hole punch removal filter can now be applied to grayscale and color images.
- A battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (May 22nd 2017)
- Improved blank page detection filter.
- Improved image rendering.
- Improved PDF rasterizer.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (April 18th 2017)
- Dramatically improved the blank page detection mechanish.
- Improved TWAIN memory transfer speed.
- Improved document import speed, quality and compatibility with complex documents.
- Improved user interface speed.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (April 11th 2017)
- Improved autodeskew filter.
- Improved OCR engine accuracy.
- Improved support for high definition document scanning (1200 DPI).
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (March 2nd 2017)
- Improved TWAIN acquisition speed.
- Settings dialog enhancement to fit every screen resolutions.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (February 21st 2017)
- Improved acquisition speed for high volume scanners.
- Improved image rendering speed.
- Improved JPEG-2000 file loading speed.
- Improved PNG file generation speed.
- Improved PDF importing engine (quality and speed).
- PDF-OCR: improved generation speed.
- Improved user interface behaviour.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (December 22nd 2016)
- Added option to favor memory transfer mode.
- Improved speed of the viewer.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (December 7th 2016)
- Fixed a Windows Vista related issue.
Version (November 28th 2016)
- Fixed a Windows XP related issue.
Version (November 21st 2016)
- Improved autodeskew accuracy.
- Improved application behavior when the WIA service is not available.
- Improved quality of imported PDF pages.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (October 12th 2016)
- Improved automatic updates.
- Improved document imaging filters quality and speed.
- Improved compatibility with some buggy drivers.
- Improved the PDF import engine.
- Improved the OCR engine speed and accuracy.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (May 23rd 2016)
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (May 18th 2016)
- Improved format handling.
- Improved page orientation detection accuracy.
- Fixed a bug with the "Keep source open after scan process" feature. This option is also disabled by default.
- New feature in the scanning dialog box: "Show device user interface before scanning".
- Improved OCR accuracy and speed.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (March 16th 2016)
- This version is now based on the latest GdPicture.NET 12 core technology.
- Improved page orientation detection accuracy.
- Improved blank page detection accuracy.
- Improved color detection accuracy and quality of produced documents.
- Improved user interface speed and memory usage.
- PDF-OCR generated are now using TrueType font.
- Dramatically improved document import & generation speed, especially for jpeg images.
- Fixed some PDF rendering issues.
- More than 50 bug fixes.
Version (December 28th 2015)
- Improved document import speed.
- Fixed some PDF rendering issues.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (October 06th 2015)
- Several minor UI enhancements.
- Improved AutoDeskew.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (August 17th 2015)
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
- Several typos and translation fixes.
- New version update mechanism.
- Uninstallation before update is not required anymore.
Version (July 16th 2015)
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
- Improved file saving mechanism.
- Improved memory usage.
Version (June 26th 2015 - Major Release)
- New User Interface with many bug fixes and better performance.
- New Settings panel.
- More than 20 new filters and effects.
- New despeckle filter in batch acquisition/import filters.
- Improvement of all document imaging filters such as Auto - deskew, punch holes removal...
- Improvement of the automatic colour detection engine.
- Support for automatic image orientation added.
- Replacement of autocrop by automatic black borders removal in batch acquisition/import filters.
- ICM support for image import.
- Support for 60+ OCR languages added.
- Support for SVG, EMF and WMF file format added.
- New advanced printing dialog to specify alignment, adjustment, orientation...
- New profile manager to create, remove and switch configuration settings.
- Support for custom keyboard shortcuts management added.
- Pre-set annotations support with a featured designer.
- New polygon ruler annotation.
- New preview feature in scanning wizard.
- Improved support for camera devices.
- Improved support for large bitmap handling.
Version (June 20th 2014)
- Improved separator sheets handling.
- Improved PDF import quality.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (May 22nd 2014)
- Improved separator sheets handling.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (May 14th 2014)
- Improved document loading speed.
- Improved Auto-Deskew filter.
Version (May 02nd 2014)
- Improved document loading speed.
- PDF import quality improvement.
- Fixed a critical issue when using separator sheets to produce PDF-OCR documents.
Version (March 05th 2014)
- Improved Windows XP support based on old hardware architectures.
- PDF import quality improvement.
Version (February 25th 2014)
- Some bug fixes.
- Speed improvement.
- PDF import quality improvement.
Version (December 24th 2013)
- Some bug fixes.
- Added feature to define bitmap compression scheme in PDF. See Saving Options pannel.
- Merry Christmas!
Version (December 17th 2013)
- Some bug fixes.
- TWAIN Data Source Manager updated to the 2.3.0 version.
- Improved PDF importing support.
Version (November 13th 2013)
- Some bug fixes.
- Added option to automatically open saved documents.
- Improved PDF importing support.
Version (October 30th 2013)
- Some bug fixes.
- Added support for DICOM format (import).
- Generated TIFF image files are now compatible with some legacy viewers.
- Improved speed of the document viewer.
- Memory usage decreased in some cases.
Version (September 30th 2013)
Version (September 28th 2013)
- Improved JPEG 2000 file saving options and output quality.
- Added option to handle produced files attributes (Options / Saving Options / Output Files Attributes).
- Improved custom page size support and added option to handle the automatic page size capability of TWAIN devices.
- Battery of minor bug fixes and various speed improvements.
Version (September 21st 2013)
Version (September 17th 2013)
Version (September 09th 2013)
Version (September 03rd 2013 - First Major Release!)
- Support for scanning with separator sheets.
- Tiff file saving is dramatically faster.
- Improved speed of all document imaging filters.
- Added option to show / hide the viewer toolbar.
- Added annotation toolbar.
- Improved persistent settings behaviour.
- Added WEBP image format saving.
- Added option to Crop Selected Area In a New Page.
- Added option to save PDF with Fast Web View mode enabled.
- Some UI improvements and fixes.
Version (May 23rd 2013)
- Fixed some TWAIN acquisition issues.
- Fixed license registration problem.
- The package has been updated with the latest available Data Source manager (TWAINDSM.DLL).
- GdPicture.NET 9.4.9 is now used.
Version (April 30th 2013)
- Fixed some TWAIN acquisition issues.
- Some speed improvements.
Version (April 12th 2013)
- Fixed some TWAIN acquisition issues on Windows 8.
- Some speed improvements.
Version (March 16th 2013)
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
- Some speed improvements.
Version (March 05th 2013)
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
- Some speed improvements.
- Better support with some non TWAIN compliant device driver.
Version (December 07th 2012)
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
- Better support for high resolution document acquisitions.
Version (November 12th 2012)
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
- Updates notifications support.
- New option to suppress warning and notification dialogs.
- New option to convert color bitmap to 1-bit monochrome bitmap using a dithering algorithm.
- Bunch of new annotations support: Free Hand Highlighter, Text, Image, Ellipse, Rectangle, Line, Connected Lines, Free Hand Pen, Ruler, Polygon, Free Hand Polygon.
- Quick scan mode feature: start a scan process by CTRL+Q, without getting the acquisition wizard.
Version (October 5th 2012)
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
- Some speed improvements.
- Improvement of the AutoDeskew filter.
Version (September 21th 2012)
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
- Some speed improvements.
- Added option to save a specific number of pages per file.
Version (July 31th 2012)
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
- Speed improvement of the main UI.
Version (July 09th 2012)
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
- Better compatibility with some old TWAIN drivers.
- Color detection feature is now stable and can be used in production. (hot)
- Batch document processing filters can now be applied during image import.
- Fixed some productivity issues during high volume scanning.
Version (June 26th 2012)
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
- Introducing automatic color detection in the batch filters (Beta).
Version (June 06th 2012)
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
- Added an option to switch to TWAIN 1.9 DSM
Version (May 24th 2012)
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
- Updated TWAIN Data Source Manager to version 2.2.
- Speed improvement and lower memory usage.
- Added option to disable TWAIN cap. detection (Options / Extras... / Disable Capability Detection).
- Improved quality and speed of PDF pages import.
- Improved quality of 8-bit colour image convertion.
- Improved speed of the auto-deskew engine.
- Improved speed & design of the thumbnail pannel.
- Fixed unicode issue in PDF metadata.
Version (April 02st 2012)
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
- Added confirmation message before deleting a page.
- Changed the resolution choices to deliver standard resolutions with some devices.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
- Fixed a memory leak with the PDF import.
- Contextual menu can be displayed on the current page to remove it or to save it quickly.
- Added option to configure PDF import resolution.
- Changed the behavior when user is prompted to clean the list after a saving operation. Now suggested deletion is only saved pages and not all pages.
- Files can be imported from Windows Explorer to Paperscan by drag & drop operation.
- Added an option to automatically add the date in a predefined format in each saved file name.
Version (March 12st 2012)
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
- Problem with WIA acquisition from document on some scanners fixed.
- Added an option to select the TWAIN Data Source Manager version (see Options / Extras...).
Version (March 07st 2012)
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version (February 27st 2012)
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
- Added support for 8bpp color space management.
- Multipage preference (for saving purpose) is now persistent.
- Drop down menu in the toobar allowing to remove checked pages or all pages.
- Memory usage optimization and speed improvement.
Version (January 31st 2012)
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
- Annotations are displayed in real time in the thumbnails pannel.
Version (January 12st 2012)
- Happy New Year!
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
- General speed improvement.
- Better support for CMYK JPEG-2000 images.
- Image layout support for TWAIN.
- Image layout & preferred file extension (for saving) are now persistent.
Version (December 29st 2011)
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
- General speed improvement.
Version (December 13st 2011)
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
- New hidden button "Debug" for support purpose (Ctrl+d for activation).
- Speed improvement of the document imaging filters.
Version (November 19st 2011)
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
- New button "Reset" in saving option to clear latest PDF Metadata.
- Speed improvement.
Version (November 11st 2011)
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
- Speed improvement.
- Added annotation support: stamp, sticky-note, highlighter, arrows (* For PRO version only.)
- Improvement of the PDF Import engine.
- Added support for page layout configuration for WIA scanning.
- PaperScan now displays file source in the title bar.
- Added option to display progress bar during scanning operation.
- New Magnifier tool.
Version (November 02nd 2011)
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
- Critical bug fix with OCR engine (error 801).
Version 1.3.6 (October 03rd 2011)
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version 1.3.5 (Septembre 28th 2011)
- Added support for JPEG 2000 format saving.
- Autoscroll feature in the Thumbnail pannel.
- Added support to define PDF author, title, keywords and subject.
- Better Autodeskew.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version 1.3.0 (Septembre 06th 2011)
- Speed improvement of the thumbnail generation.
- Added support for page multi selection.
- Added support for page reordering with drag & drop.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version 1.2.0 (July 14th 2011)
- Better AutoDeskew & AutoCrop engine.
- Improvement of the OCR engine, better speed and better accuracy.
- Added support for encrypted PDF (read & write).
- New set of options to control output JPEG image quality & progressive encoding mode.
- New options to control PDF output encryption.
- User interface options are now persistent. For example, the application will remember all options selected for batch image processing and scanner configuration.
- Battery of minor bug fixes.
Version 1.1.2 (May 02nd 2011)
- Important WIA bug fix.
- Rotation bug fix.
Version 1.1.1 (May 01st 2011)
- Minor bug fixes.
- Improved compatibility with some WIA drivers.
Version 1.1.0 (Mar. 02nd 2011)
- Minor bug fixes.
- Improved compatibility with some odd TWAIN drivers.
- Speed improvement of the document import feature.
- New set of features to select multiple pages in the thumbnail view.
Version 1.0.2 (Jan.23th 2011)
- Minor bug fixes.
- New feature Edit / Erase Selected Area.
Version 1.0.0 (Jan.17th 2011)